
Using the C-word with care

Kate Sturdy
Tue 20 Apr 2021
Do you ever use the C-word? Do you have people using it on you? I’m talking about Confidence of course. If we show humility or hesitation, doubt or deference then someone usually pops up to say “you should be more confident.” I imagine they think they’re being helpful.

Spring into the new normal

Jacqueline Baker
Fri 5 Mar 2021
I suspect like me, you have made a few changes over the last year. For me this included seeing a lot less of my friends and loved ones in person, making sure my 82-year-old dad got his shopping and everything else he needed (luckily for me he was in my bubble so I still got to spend a lot of time with him) and pretty much hunkering down at home with my husband - hoping everyone near and dear to me came out of the Covid-19 pandemic unscathed.

Mentoring and Me

Bernie Thompson and Melissa Crawshay-Williams
Fri 19 Feb 2021
A great mentor encourages a person to progress, giving valuable advice and encouragement. But it isn’t a one-way street. Many mentors find building the bond just as rewarding and gain fresh inspiration. Below, Bernie Thompson and Melissa Crawshay-Williams share their journey.